Tag Archives: epmlive

IDT Training KZN

The rollout of EPMLive continued in the province of KwaZulu Natal last week.  (Read our previous posts here and here) This is the largest regional office for IDT (Independent Development Trust) with the countries biggest portfolio.

The portfolio manager for KZN had the following to say after the training:

“I think the regular submission of schedules should be encouraged and supported.  This will also assist the region in terms of regular review notes and feedback which will hopefully assist to improve in terms of scheduling application and proper project management science.”

IDT Training Polokwane

The Project Hub continued with its Nation Wide rollout for IDT (Independant Development Trutst).  We have previously blogged about it here.

We were lucky enough to enjoy the warm weather and hostitality of the Limpopo branch in Polokwane.  We are looking forward to engaging with this team more closely as we continue to improve their programme and project management skills.

For assistance to improve your own programme or project management skills please do not hesitate to contact us.