Tag Archives: career

Crappy Jobs

Tom Peters in his booklet about developing talent makes the following statement: “Create your Own Army of WOW. Which means: Volunteer! Even for those….Crappy Jobs. Especially for those…Crappy Jobs. Because Crappy jobs let you take independent charge of things quickly and early in your tenure”. Deliberating on this statement I could not help but to agree with him. The other day at our office we had some …very disturbed person…empty the municipal garbage bin in the middle of our on ramp. Late for a meeting and clearly annoyed with this interruption to what could be considered a close to perfect morning. The clients were due any minute and what will they think.

On my way into the office I bumped into one of my staff members looking for black garbage bags as he is on his way to clean up the mess. It was not part of his job description, neither was it in his performance contract. Nobody ask him if he would be willing to do so, but he still decided to go for the “Crappy Job” all on his own.

How amazing being surrounded by a team who is prepared to take on “Crappy Jobs”  even though there is no immediate glory in it other than getting their hands dirty. They volunteer their time and earn our respect in doing so.

That being said, the reality is that we can always do with more people like this. Those that have little regard for their own degrees and qualifications framed and displayed for all to see, but who are prepared to stoop down and volunteer for crappy jobs and turn them into “Stealth Opportunities”.