Strategy with Feet

How often do we go to the bookshelves and take out a book , with all intentions of implementing the principles and concepts mentioned, ending up a few months down the line having read it, but practicing anything but its content. We live in a society full of knowledge pockets and yet we so often lack the ability to really tap into them and apply those principles we have learned.

When we do really grasp the content within some of these knowledge pockets and realize the value of cross pollinating ideas into your own knowledge pocket we find winning strategies. These strategies can take us to a new state of reality and can open up new  opportunities and markets for us. As business owners we live for those ah-ha moment. These strategies give us hope that our businesses will still be here tomorrow.

However we have become a nation that is great at developing strategies but very poor at implementing them. We can spend hours and days developing a business strategy, a development plan a turnaround strategy or whatever you would like to call it. We read it through, print it, publish it and talk about it and that is where it stays.

Implementation is a total different kettle of fish. It requires concerted effort, breaking down each strategy into implementable elements. Define projects around each with responsibility and timelines and implementing those in a true project management fashion. It requires us to think on how we are going to measure achievement and where we are today. It requires that we give the strategy feet and take the road to fulfilment.

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