Tag Archives: Leadership

True to your Word


Disappointed with people? Yes sure I think all of us have experienced some sort of disappointment with others specifically when they break promises that we have been counting on. Broken promises leads to questions around character and ultimately a lack of trust. So we end up labelling people whether it is a conscious or unconscious act and that label is difficult to remove ones stapled to the forehead of an unsuspecting recipient. It influences our lives and our relationships directly and sometimes in unexpected ways.

Take the following scenario: You are sitting in a Steering Committee meeting and the Executive sponsor is requesting a specific report from you. Confidently you state that the team would have it done by Monday. Monday comes and goes and no report. Your first reaction, that I will call denial might be that the Executive Sponsor would have forgotten about it, so he would not have noticed that we are late. The second reaction I call the looking for a loop hole, so Monday is still 24h00 right? Thirdly, blame shifting as an option where we call our team to trial.  Alternatively we can stand in the gap and state that we have underestimated the amount of work and it is going to take longer than anticipated. Whatever your decision or approach does not take away the fact that you made a promise that you did not keep. If you have a Sponsor that believes in giving people the benefit of the doubt, you might not get the label immediately, but by the second and third time, none of what you say would ever be taken seriously.

Agreed, we get into situations where we have to make a judgement call and we need to make a calculated promise that has a certain level of risk associated with it. However I have seen too many project managers who takes making promises lightly without consideration to their own, their teams and their organisations reputation. So next time before you make a commitment, be sure to consider your words and the risk associated and rather voice a disclaimer than be the recipient of a label.

Uncomplicated Leadership

As project managers we are called not only to manage the scope, costs, quality and various other knowledge areas prescribed by so many PM methodologies, but also called to lead. Leadership can be one of those concepts that we work hard at achieving but sometimes totally miss the mark on. Understanding leadership related to really understanding not only the dictionary version of the word leadership, but also what it aims to achieve. According to John Maxwell, leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. It relates to creating and facilitating movement from where we are to where we need to be. This is not achieved through a position being held, or through instilling fear in those that need to move, but by creating a compelling desire to move. And if the leader has that desire, the rest of his team can have it to.

The theme song of the movie Madagascar is so contagious. I caught myself singing and tapping to “I like to move it move it, I like to move it” phrase every time it plays. The energy and passion created around the song will get everybody going.  King Julian managed to get everybody shaking and dancing to his tune even the new comers.


This is a simple illustration, but I do believe that leadership is not so complicated. It requires a solid character entrenched with integrity. It requires enough passion and energy and good articulation of the vision to influence the team towards developing the desire to move in the same direction.

Influence however is not the same as manipulation. When we manipulate people, we often to so to achieve our personal goals at ALL costs and leave those we have manipulated feeling cheated and done in. When we influence however we work together to achieve a common ALLIGNED goal that we all feel good about when we have achieved success. Influence would never happen at the intentional detriment of others. The key lies in your intention or motive behind your persuasion of others.  

So as a project manager I need to understand the vision of my project, have the ability to share and sell it to the project team and put lots of passion and energy behind it so that they can follow suite. Simple right?

Let’s take some heat

With temperatures scorching outside and the severe drought in South Africa, many a province has been declared a disaster area. Our food security is in jeopardy and consumers are expecting a hike in food prices next year. This contributing to an already strained economic climate and so, when things gets hard, it is easy to really get discouraged.


But it is times like these that really allow true leadership to blossom. Let’s face it, leading in good times is easy, but leading a team that feels the heat requires not only a lot more skill, but also a lot more self-motivation and discipline. You need to dig really deep to that part of your character that never gives up, that does not allow anything to get you under and that looks at life in a positive way. As a project manager you need that tenacious personality that leads the team against all odds, the “die hard” attitude that picks you up even when severely injured.

You cannot afford your project to be declared a disaster zone and neither can you afford to lose hope in your team. John Maxwell stated that one is too less a number to achieve greatness and keeping that in mind is the key to project delivery success. So often, when we feel the heat, some of us really goes into “lone ranger” mode. Taking work out of the hands of some of our team members and trying to do everything on our own is not conducive to the team’s morale and neither is it healthy for the already overly strained project manager. You need your team and they need you.

Need I say how important it is to rally up support during these times? Make sure you have the ear of those who will stand firm in your corner and work your stakeholders. Ensure that you know what they expect and keep these expectations within the boundaries of the agreed scope of the project. Sell, sell and sell the project whilst keeping track of opportunities generated from new requirements that cannot be incorporated immediately. It is the constant drip of water that at the end of the day will not go unnoticed.

So when we feel the heat remember that change is your friend and hard times is the catalyst that takes your leadership ability to the next level. Embrace it, stand up, take a stand and lead.